Saturday, September 27, 2008

Adding more to the reloading library

So I have been reading avidly about reloading and I also picked up some new die sets. I picked up a carbide die set in .45 ACP and .40 S&W and a normal set in .357 SIG/9mm.

More to come.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

My New Endeavor

So before I get into what the new endeavor is, I have to say that I am very pleased with this new site I ran into, Outdoors Trader. It was here that I found my new gear to start my new endeavor, reloading.

So, this is what I got for a steal....

(1)RCBS Rock Chucker II press
(2)Herters press
(3)Herters scale balance type
(4)Heaters powder measure
(5)RCBS primer pocket tool
(6) 2 RCBS deburring tools
(7) 1 RCBS hand priming tool
(8) 2 case lube pads
(9) 11 shell holders
(10) 1000 large rifle mag. primers
(11) 500 large rifle primers
(12) 200 small pistol primers
(13) 300 small rifle primers
(14) RCBS die sets for .38/.357; .243; .223; & 300 win. mag.
(15) 200 180gr 30 cal. bullets
(16) 100 220gr 30 cal. bullets
(17) 500 .38/.357 bullets
(18) 200 100gr 243 bullets
(19) 150 .38 spec. brass ready for reload
(20) 80 300 mag brass
(21) 20 .243 brass
(22) 3.5 lbs. IMR 4350 powder
(23) 1.5 lbs. IMR 3031 powder
(24) 1 lb. UNIQUE powder
(25) 1 lb. Hodgdon h-870 powder
(26) 1 lb. Accurate 2230 powder
(27) 1 13th issue of Speer reloading manual
(28) odds and ends brass, funnels, lube , tools etc.

This, if all bought now on its own, would be close to $1,000, but I got it all for $400. All I am needing now is a tumbler to clean the brass and I am set. I have an additional .308 die that I bought for my friend to reload for me that I got back. With having 2 presses, I will be able to re-size in one and seat bullets in the other. I am looking forward to this :)

More to come....
