Friday, December 21, 2007

Update on the COD 4: MW 1.4 Patch

So with the new patch out, which, mind you, was a pain in the @55 to get, I have had soemt ime with it now and must say that the Christmas map is actually kind of disturbing and funny at the same time. Being that I am not much for the holiday and not particulary religious to boot, I thin k that when you have a multi-player map that has Christmas presents and Santa saying his traditional "Ho, Ho, Ho!" during an air-strike is both funny and disturbing.

I will say that is does make for a better map for the following reasons....

1) It takes place at night, a better time to be stealth.

2) It provides snow at the same time and creates a distraction for those that are trying to snipe.

3) Lastly, still has the same feel as the rest of the maps, except shipment, which is just horrible.

Well, there you have it. My take on the map.


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