Monday, October 29, 2007

Clive Barker's Jericho

So as you read in the post about new FPS games coming, Jericho was the most recent of the games to come out. Brought to us by Codemasters (site), those that brought you Dirt and Overlord, we are immersed into a world of detail and horror.

From the creative mind of Clive Barker, evil is given a gruesome appearance and feel. The game is started with a team brought to the Middle East at a ancient location. This team, comprised of 7 intriguing an gifted individuals. These inidvudals are apart of a special team that combat the supernatural. Some of the talents that are held are astarl projection (the ability to project one's self image), a pyromancer (conjure fire), a psychic, and a reality hacker among other skills.

The style and feel of the game are, like most (FPS) games, the same. But as for the look and the detail, it is up there with Bioshock in my opinion. Now, I am not saying that this is a lot like Bioshock, but it has a great physics (PhysX thanks to Ageia's contribution to the project).

One of the key details, which will require a little game play to get to this point, is the ability to play all of the team member's roles. This does give the game a strategic upper hand over the majority of FPS games out there.

My overall opinion of the game is that I really like it. I love reading Clive Barker's books and watching his movies. This is a unique experience to know apply the reading and watching with your input. Codemasters did a fine job in the skinning of the game, the environmental aspects and sound given to all of the eerie objects in this game. i recommend only to the mature crowd and those that are not squeamish.

Platforms: PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3

Age Restricted
Jericho Site


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