Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Welcome to the next chapter in the Quake games brought to you by Activision. "Experience the ultimate team and mission-based online warfare, defined by the acclaimed Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, now set in the legendary QUAKE universe. Choose to play as the human Global Defense Forces or the invading alien menace, the Strogg. Each side has distinct classes, vehicles, and weapons to choose from, giving players countless ways to join the battle." (Gamestop)

My Opinion of the game is favorable, only because I was a huge fan of the Battlefield and Quake games. This is merely a Quake version of that line of games, as I see it. Now, with that said, we will see how this pans out for Activision, but I do not see how this will take or break EA Games. The visuals are OK, and the audio is above average. As for the ease of use, I had to tweak the controls a bit in order to feel comfortable in the game. I would say that this is a one game that could be passed up, especially with some of the newer games that are coming out like Crysis and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

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